celestial resonance
The concept and visual work was presented at ANAT symposium 2022. The project presented an audio-visual encounter with cosmic realms.
Image by Pamela Bain, sound by Jeff Hannam.
Celestial Resonance is situated at the intersection of creative practice and an interest in Astronomy that harnesses receptive modalities of sound and vision. Extending from the work already conducted by each artist within the scientific domain, this project brings together analogue and digital technologies - involving multidisciplinary approaches of painting and paper sculpting, photographic processes, and digital sound components – that will present an audio-visual installation sensorily absorbing the spectator within the astronomy zone. Seeking to convey characteristics of deep space anatomy, a colour coded legend listing elements such as hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen together with temperature variations appears on a separate two dimensional image. This information is translated into sound effects when participants activate areas on the picture plane via colour-based sensors that trigger varying sound signatures relative to its colour space. Promoting multi sensory engagement with the installations, optimally expands the audience base to include those who are sight impaired. A braille component is being considered. This project, thus, relates to Pamela's vision disability which has motivated the project together with Hannam's development of sonification tools for visually impaired researchers for the access and analysis of scientific data.